Friday, November 11, 2016

Best 4 Leg Weight Workouts - Basic Exercises Women Should Include on

Leg day is often dreaded by many but is important for all. Both men and women alike need to work on both upper and lower body for symmetry. But for the ladies, leg day is the only way to get the Beyonce butt your craving. So check out these exercises that you must include in your workout, even the beginners.

Most people hate leg day. This is no more apparent than in those guys you see with the enormous upper body and legs like spindles. Obviously they think they are rocking their muscle tee, but truthfully they just look ridiculous. Therefore, regardless of who you are making sure you complete leg day is hugely important.
For many women, especially those new to working out the prospect of working out with a barbell is a scary prospect. Many women have the misconception that using weights will bulk them up. But the only way to get those great legs you’re dreaming about in time for that perfect Christmas party dress is to go hard on leg day.
That’s why I have picked four exercises that are going back to basics. Although there are so many workouts you can do, sticking to the original bodybuilding moves can be the best place to start.
These exercises most experienced workout gurus will be well aware of. But they are a great place to begin for the beginners! Plus, there is always room for variations to make workouts more advanced and interesting.

#1 - Barbell Deadlift

Now for a ladies new to working out, seeing a huge guy in the gym hammering out deadlifts can be a little intimidating. Don’t be put off girls! You too can deadlift like a complete pro.
Like everything start by getting your basic technique up to a good level. Start with just the barbell, no weights and have a friend spot you.
Tip - remember to get a good grip, keep your chest up and back arched. Drive through your heels in order to pull the weight upwards. Try 3 sets of 12 reps.

#2 - High Rep Squats

In honesty there is no better exercise for women who want great glutes than a good old fashioned squat!
Start off by getting a good squat technique without any weights. Once you are confident you have your technique down, you can add a barbell (without weight) carried across your shoulders.
It is great to start off with the assistance of a smith machine to help you with your balance and technique when incorporating weights into the mix. Over time you can add weight to the barbell as you progress and when you’re confident enough, move away from the smith machine altogether.
Try 3 sets of 15 reps for a great workout.

#3 - Leg Press

Ladies, don’t be afraid of the leg press machine. This is great for everyone but also a great place to start for beginners. There are many variations you can try to change up your workout, make your workout harder or just prevent boredom.
Start off with a traditional leg press with low weights to encourage good technique. Build up your weight and variations as you advance
Start with 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

#4 - Hamstring Curl

Hamstring curl is another great beginner exercise on leg day. With the assistance of a hamstring curl machine, it is an easy exercise to get right and get results.
Make sure your leg is fully stretched when performing this exercise for good technique and to get the best results. Remember to hold your contraction, take your time and don’t power through too quickly.
Try 3 sets of 15 reps.

So if you want to hit the upcoming party season with legs to kill for, you definately need to make sure you make leg day a priority. Remember, in the beginning you may be sore afterwards but this is normal.
Follow good workout practices to keep delayed onset muscular soreness (DOMS) at bay. Get enough protein and a good stretch post workout and treat yourself to a long hot bath to soothe those aching muscles on an evening. This will help you to get enough rest, which is crucial to aid recovery.
So try out these four basic leg workouts and let me know how you get on.
Source: articlesbase

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