For many of us (let’s face it I’m talking to the ladies here) cellulite is an inevitable embarrassment. Although many women are probably currently breathing a sigh of relief as they pack away those summer skirts and bikinis, what about those ladies looking for some winter sun? Afterall, cellulite is the ultimate nemesis of the sexy swimsuit!
Well, whether you are looking for a quick fix for smooth legs during a winter holiday or a long term solution to obliterate lumpy skin before the next summer season, I am here to help. I am going to give you Top 3 Cellulitis Treatment.
Cellulite is the bane of my existence. Admittedly it is something I have always been prone to. Nevertheless, since the birth of my daughter it has been uncontrollable. I genuinely never knew that you could get those oh so noticeable lumps and bumps on your knees!
However, I should start by saying that believing orange peel skin is a result of being overweight is a complete misconception. I have been a professional dancer for most of my adult life. I have worked with everyone from showgirls to movie stars and believe me even toned, super thin women are not immune!
I can’t begin to tell you the amount of stunning ladies I have worked with all of whom have exceptional figures, yet are plagued by cellulite. This is because most of the time cellulite is simply down to genetics. If your mum suffers from it and your mum’s mum suffers from it, the likelihood is you will too, regardless of your size.
With that said, there are some factors of your diet which can also affect the appearance of your skin and we will go into this in a bit. So if cellulite is bringing you down, read on to find out what simple tricks you can try to beat the bumps.
What Is Cellulite?
Cellulite is basically little pockets of fat which lie below the skin. As this fat pushes against the connective tissue you are left with those familiar dimples. Cellulite does actually affect everyone, however it is more common among women. I know right, great for us.
Around 80% of women of all shapes and sizes suffer from cellulite. Believe it or not, those little dimples are not actually an indicator that you have an issue with body fat, but actually a problem with your connective tissue.
Connective tissue is like a web under your skin which should distribute your body fat evenly. But, cellulite happens when the connective tissue allows fat to build up in one place and not another. Hence the bumpy appearance.

What Causes Cellulite?
There are lots of things that can cause one person to have more cellulite than others. The unfortunate thing is many of these factors are simply out of our hands. Some reasons include:
- Changes in hormones
- Lifestyle changes
- Diet
- Genetics
Top Cellulitis Treatment Tips
Okay so I want to share with you a couple of things that may help you in reducing the appearance of cellulite, both temporarily and long term. Give them a go and let me know how you get on.
I am here to help. I am going to give you Top Cellulitis Treatment Tips.
Think About Diet and Exercise

Right so, I wanted to get this one out of the way. Although as mentioned, cellulite is not a condition solely for those who are overweight, there are diet and lifestyle factors that can make cellulite worse.
First of all, high diets of junk food, bad carbs are sugars are going to experience more cellulite. One demon is white carbs. White bread, white rice, white pasta. Unfortunately, a pizza may taste great on a saturday night while snuggled up to Britain’s Got Talent. But when it comes to cellulite it’s a case of ‘a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.’
If you are looking for a long term solution for cellulite, you really need to look at your diet and think about whether it could be improved. Clean eating is for sure the best thing to keep those dimples at bay. I’m not saying cut the carbs altogether, but switching to wholegrain is much better for you. Both inside and out.
Likewise in regards to fitness. The top and bottom of it is, although an exercise plan may not rid you of orange peel skin altogether, the more toned you are, the less dimpled you look.
Tip #1 Dry Brushing
When it comes to perfectly smooth skin, dry brushing may just be your best friend. Once or twice a day (before a shower is best) massage affected areas with a firm, dry brush. The massaging stimulates blood flow which helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. This will work immediately for a short period of time (good before a night out in your favourite mini skirt) but will also help long term if done regularly.Tip #2 Apply Coffee
Caffeine is the biggest enemy of cellulite. Nothing works better in reducing its appearance both short and long term. This is why you will find many cellulite creams containing caffeine. Here are two excellent tips to try.
First of all make yourself a caffeine exfoliator. Use a cup of coffee grounds (I’m talking the good stuff you put in a coffee maker, not the instant stuff you get in jars) two tablespoons of sugar and some high grade virgin coconut oil. Mix it all up in an empty jar for a homemade body scrub.
Now, when you’re in the shower, get your dry brush out again (the one you just used before you got in remember!) Put a good dollop of your freshly made scrub on any cellulite prone area and give it a good old scrub with your brush. Do this a couple of times a week and you will start to notice long term positive effects.
The second thing you can try (this one gets a bit messy) is for a short term fix. Similarly to your scrub, get some coffee grounds and some high quality moisturiser. I used to do this with a collagen moisturiser and it worked wonders! Mix your coffee and moisturiser in a bowl (think the kind you use when dying your hair) and take it into the bathroom with some cling film…..bear with me.
This is best done standing in the shower/bath as it can be a bit of a nightmare, especially if you have light coloured furnishings! Also, maybe have some latex gloves handy. Apply the coffee mixture to your affected areas, really massage it in. Then wrap the area in the cling film. Now, leave it for around 20 minutes and rinse off with cold water.
The massaging again stimulates the blood flow and the caffeine tightens the skin, especially with that extra kick of cold water at the end. To be fair, everyone is different, but this used to work wonders for me if I had a dance job or photo shoot and I wanted to feel a little more confident.
Tip #3 Time to Tan
The fact is light skin appears more lumpy and bumpy than darker skin. Unfortunately, this is just a fact. So it doesn’t matter whether you get a natural tan that keeps your skin looking cellulite free year round or you slather yourself in fake tanner to look fabulous in a party dress. Having darker skin will reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Personally, especially as I get older and start to appreciate the long term affects of tanning on my skin, I love a good instant tan. With a little bit of practice on how to apply it properly (or even get someone to do it for you) it can really make you look and feel fabulous. My favourite is those graduating tanning moisturisers. This way your friends don’t see you as snow white one day and Beyonce the next!
At the end of the day, cellulite isn’t something that will affect your health. However, it can really pull down your confidence. Let’s face it, the better you feel about yourself, the more you tend to take care of yourself too! So any quick fix that works for you and gives you that little boost you need is a good thing.
If you have any home cellulite remedies of your own which work for you I’d love to hear about them in the comments below. It is always great to get feedback from experienced readers. Moreover, what works for you may be the answer for someone else.
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